Techniques and Services

In our office, your comfort is our priority
Our chiropractors have several options available to give you the health care your body needs to heal. The recommendations we make for you will take your particular needs into consideration, thinking of your comfort every step of the way.
Chiropractic Care
We may adjust you by hand or have instrument-based methods available. If you’ve had chiropractic care before previously and know of a technique you prefer, or if you’ve heard of one you’d like to try, we’re more than happy to accommodate you.
Our techniques are used for all parts of the spine, and adjustments may be done seated or in a prone position. We use
If you’ve tried several avenues without feeling like you’re getting the results you want, nutrition may be an important piece of the puzzle. When combined with chiropractic care, the nutritional advice we’ll give can be tested between your visits to see how dietary changes can affect your health.
These may be simple interventions like drinking more water, or when needed we can send you to have testing done in a nearby laboratory. We’ll also advise you on taking any necessary supplements to give your body the nutrition it needs.

We want to help you through each phase of the rehabilitation process
The dedicated rehabilitation room at Bannon Clinic of Chiropractic, P.A. gives our chiropractors another possible solution to add to your treatment. Nautilus machines are available, or simple exercises using only your body may be prescribed, depending on your needs. Back, neck and extremity work such as on the knees can help condition and strengthen your body.
If your injury warrants the attention of another health care professional, we’ll be happy to refer you to one.
Department of Transportation (DOT) Examinations
If you’re a trucker or drive large passenger vans and are required to do an examination for your license, Dr. Bannon is a Certified Medical Examiner for the DOT.
Natural relief and optimal wellness await you. Contact our office today to get started!